How we Work Together
How do we work towards our vision of a fairer world of film?
We work towards our shared vision through emergent programmes. These are projects which emerge from the group because we believe they will get us closer to our alternative filmmaking space.
Group Value reminder:
Projects we take on will lay the foundation for a stronger organisation and larger projects in the future, whether they are entirely successful or not.
Working Groups
These programmes are run autonomously through working groups (a subgroup within the cult) who have formed around an interest for the certain project. This means the subgroup decides when to meet, what to discuss etc. and is organised autonomously by those inside it and not by a higher power.
Our current working groups, for more info: Projects / Working Groups
Equipment Share
Fair Film (Badge and Production)
Vibe Guardians (Accessability and Wellbeing)
Brainwashing Department (Outreach and Social Media)
Admin and Finance
Read more about this here: Autonomous Organisation
Cult Assemblies
Whole cult meetings are held on a monthly basis. Everyone is encouraged to attend, or atleast a spokesperson from each working group.
Decisions affecting the whole group are made at these meetings. Decisions only affecting working groups are made inside their working groups. This means if you are affected by a decision you can input before a decision is made.
Read more about this here: Autonomous Organisation
Consensus Decision Making
We are also committed to using consensus decision making in our group.
Read more about this here: Consensus Decision Making
Last updated